Parish Announcements

Click Here To View This Week's Bulletin Click here for Morning service of word and prayer

Dates to Remember


December 1, 2024  Bishop’s visit

December 21, 2024 Christmas Service 7PM



Pictures for recent events are available at the following url’s:

Father Curtis’ return to St. Stephen’s service:!As64PPJMChWD8xYGUdjY1KbgcgnE?e=vhIEr3

Bishop’s visit and Confirmation ceremony!As64PPJMChWD6ULQHdG3t0hgAMcq?e=xxYsRi

Old Home Day hot dog and baked goods sale!As64PPJMChWD51MyZX_ox6vUC4sm?e=gcHiAh

Tiffany Thorgerson’s service of Baptism!As64PPJMChWD5SuKcihkADtP6uwt?e=2Qsp0t

Father Steve’s Ordination!As64PPJMChWD3jcIDk2AaQ1rqvba?e=gx5q73

Church of the Lake!As64PPJMChWD4luFHp5GTPRrq4Cq?e=3lk0zp


Parish Information

Homebound Visits:

Our lay Eucharistic Visitors are available for regular visits to homebound parishioners.

Vestry Meeting Minutes:

Approved Vestry Meeting minutes are in 3 ring binders in the Undercroft.

Sunday Coffee Hour:

Every Sunday the undercroft is open for coffee and conversation. All are welcome to spend time in fellowship after the service. Parishioners are welcome to bring pastries or other small snacks to share.

Prayer concerns:

Information received by Wednesday will be published in the following Sunday bulletin. Please note that permission must be granted from the individual before a name is published, and in all cases, confidentiality must be a major consideration. Once the prayer concern is satisfied, please ask that the name be removed.

Altar Flowers:

If you would like to make a donation for flowers in remembrance or celebration, request forms can be found at the back of the church. Requests must be received two weeks in advance of the specified Sunday.

Sustaining Earth, Our Island Home

Our diocesan Sustaining Earth coordinator Deb Baker attended Sunday service to share information about thecarbon tracker and other resources for the parish and for individuals. For more information about this program and how to participate, visit the Sustaining Earth website.

Visit The Sustaining Earth Website

The Way Of Love

The Presiding Bishop Michael B Curry invites us to practice The Way of Love, practices for a Jesus centered life. The Lenten program for the Diocese is grounded in these practices. You can learn more at The Way of Love.

Visit The Way Of Love

St Stephen’s Scholarship Fund

St. Stephen’s Scholarship Fund: Please consider making a donation in any amount large or small to the Scholarship fund. We have given our first two awards this year and really want to keep the fund healthy and growing so we can have a small part in making some dreams of higher education come true for students in Pittsfield. Donations in any amount are accepted.

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