
Our Music Minister is Cathy Batchelder.  She joined us just before our Christmas 2022 service. Cathy is a wonderful addition to our Ministry group, leading us in joyous song during our services..

Vestry, Wardens, officers

The St. Stephen’s Vestry consists of a Senior Warden (Katie Jones), a Junior Warden (Rick Coffin), the Treasurer (Barbara Barr), Clerk (Bernie Cameron), and three at-large members (Lucinda Kerivan, Bonnie Smas and Pat Miller). This group acts as a “board of directors” for the parish in all matters, with financial and budgetary oversight. Our Vestry usually meets on the first Monday of the month.

Ministry Teams

After a lengthy parish Envisioning process, St. Stephen’s organized its ministries using a team approach. These groups schedule regular meetings, usually held immediately after the Sunday service. All parishioners are invited to attend and to participate as they feel called.

Liturgical Planning Team

This Team plans our Sunday and other services. In collaboration with two retired priests who have graciously agreed to assist and our music minister, they plan each service and schedule Clergy or Lay Eucharistic Ministers to lead the congregation. The Lay Eucharistic Ministers (LEMs), who serve at the altar and take communion to homebound parishioners are part of this Team, as are members of our Altar Guild.

In addition to Sunday worship, weekday services take place during the year: Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, and Good Friday. St, Stephen’s also participates in the annual World Day of Prayer, held each March in an area congregation. Our annual Outdoor Eucharist is usually held in September, and in October we’ve offered a Blessing of the Animals.


Our Family Education program uses the Godly Play program. Adult Education, led by Bernie Cameron, consists of different programs, for instance a Lenten Book or Bible study, Via Media, a study of the Book of Common Prayer, studying the emergent churdekegch, an examination of immigration and the death penalty, and guest speakers from the diocesan staff or nonprofit groups. As Ministry of Fun, Bernie has organized the Women’s Kayak event, the annual Mardi Gras Potluck, excursions and concerts attendance, a Christmas cookie swap, and more. If you have ideas, please be in touch with her!


Outreach includes donations to several local food pantries and The Pittsfield Youth Workshop. The Sox Box is a gathering of warm clothing items for local school children. Our Outreach leaders are Lucinda Kerivan, Greg Terrell and Pat Miller.  The majority of our fundraisers support outreach efforts.

Parish Life Guild

We are so grateful to Wes Jones for leading the Guild. Our three main events during the year are Town-wide Yard Sale (June), Old Home Day (July), and our Christmas Kitchen (November) The proceeds from these events are split between outreach or special projects within the community and building maintenance. .

Altar Guild

Barbara Barr, and Julie Coffin are responsible for organizing this very important ministry, which includes several other parishioners. Altar linens, altar flowers, preparation of the church for Sunday service, feasts and Holy Days are some of the responsibilities.

Building and Grounds

There is a talented team of volunteers responsible for the care, cleaning , and maintenance of our church building, the gardens and grounds that surround it. Katie Jones is the team leader who communicates with groups that use the space and she maintains the calendar and does the scheduling. We hold “workdays” in the spring and fall to prepare the gardens and deep clean areas of the church. We have refurbished all the spaces inside the building over the past 10 years. Our most recent internal “church project” was the 2019 Kitchen upgrade. We now turn our attention to the gardens and an outdoor worship space while maintaining the interior.

Click here for the cleaning schedule Click here for the Ministry schedule